Retroware dumps a slew of Toxic Crusaders news!
Someone send some coffee to the Retroware offices…they’ll need it!
Videogame Previews
Someone send some coffee to the Retroware offices…they’ll need it!
And plenty of comparisons to various FromSoftware games were made.
Persona fans’ AX 2023 calendars have been booked for July 3rd.
It was an hour, not much new was revealed…yet I was completely riveted.
The game will also officially unpack on August 15th.
But can we dress up Samba like Mr. Worldwide?
Test our servers get free DLC…I guess this will be enticing to some people.
It’s been a long time coming, but we won’t have much longer to wait!
It’s been a few years since the title was initially revealed, but at least we got a bit of gameplay, new screens and game details.
You wanted more Dragon’s Dogma… you’re getting more Dragon’s Dogma! Details and media from the Capcom Showcase.
Looks like Jim Hanks got a paycheck this season.
It might’ve been announced at an overflow Showcase, but don’t miss the boat on this game!
But… we’re still gonna be able to play as Haku, right?
Ichiban is really caught with his pants down in his next adventure.
The latest Assassin’s Creed installment is definitely looking like the homage to the original game that we were hoping for.
Ubisoft’s very pretty looking tropical-themed “celebration of car culture” driving title gets a release date, new media and details.
A plethora of new media, game details and gameplay footage from the first-ever open world Star Wars game.