Goenitz and Crossplay arrive in The King of Fighters XV on June 20th
Which platform will bear witness to the true King of Fighters?
Which platform will bear witness to the true King of Fighters?
Looks like Jim Hanks got a paycheck this season.
Grab it before it rolls out!
It might’ve been announced at an overflow Showcase, but don’t miss the boat on this game!
But… we’re still gonna be able to play as Haku, right?
Ichiban is really caught with his pants down in his next adventure.
I hate having to jettison game downloads because I don’t have enough storage space…
Can your feedback ensure a smooth launch for the King of Iron Fist Tournament 8?
I’m not gonna lie…but why does P look like the kid who crashed The Game Awards last year?
I’m legally allowed to write the word “Boner” in conjunction with this announcement.
Ever want to Hadouken a dinosaur?
…and I’m not talking about Final Fantasy VII Rebirth’s disk count!
He’s no Taichi Suzuki, I’ll tell you that…
Looks like Lord Liu Kang is building a team…for something.
Can you hinder Nina and Ace with your finely tuned death traps?
News so hot it could barely wait for Summer Games Fest!