Arc System Works to revive Double Dragon in 2025
Looks like these Lee brothers are gonna be hitting the streets once again.
Videogame Previews
Looks like these Lee brothers are gonna be hitting the streets once again.
We’re gonna run out of foot related euphemisms real soon!
First media and game info for the eye-catching, upcoming multiplayer VR experience.
To celebrate its 30th anniversary, a new generation of players can experience the enhanced version of the unique Japanese PC-98 release.
Turn the page on the new Genshin Impact 4.8 update.
The reforged heavy metal rhythm shooter gets a surprise Steam VR demo and a solid release date for Meta Quest and PS VR2 headsets.
I wonder what perks you’ll get for repping the CCP or denouncing your LGBT daughter?
An even more content complete version of Atari 50 will hit consoles, the VCS and PC this holiday.
If you lose to the former Agent Cody Banks on the racetrack, just remember…Life is unfaaaaaaaaaaaair!
Bandai Namco is taking their sweet, sweet time releasing the very content complete Switch version of Ace Combat 7. New gameplay trailer and details.
If only we knew someone who could probably enter and even win this contest?
Despite the changes, I trust studio Spiders’ shift in direction for the prequel to Greedfall.
We went from no Metal Slug news from the IP in a long while to a demo and a full title.
Where the hell is Minna no Tabo?
Capcom’s gonna take you for a ride…unless you’re on the Microsoft bus.
Alternate title: The Missing Link?
Set said to the world of Concordia!