Sample Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance with its newly released demo
Recruit some demons that you can bring to the full version of the game.
Recruit some demons that you can bring to the full version of the game.
You’re a liar if you believe you saw this team-up coming!
Pay attention unless you want to spend your time in Da’at running away from penis demons…
Sorry non-convention attendees, you?re out of luck.
Summoning demons and exploiting weaknesses in classic Shin Megami style.
Atlus brightens the start of the week with some new screenshots.
Dustin, we really need to work on our “quotability”…
Look I have one or two more of these SMT V news posts left in me…
Shin Megami Tensei makes its return to consoles with the 5th installment in the long-running Atlus RPG franchise.
It?s a day that ends in ?y?, so Stan has another SMT news post…
Here?s this week?s dispatch from the Atlus Marketing Machine.
That steelbook case isn?t gonna let you fight [REDACTED]…
I?m a silly weeb who only uses JP VO, but these English voices aren?t that bad…
Meet some of the humans and demons who reside in Da?at.
New details, but more questions about the 5th entry of this fabled series.
A game about hard choices gives you choices in how you can own it.
Wear cyclist shorts, Make pacts with demons and maybe rebuild the world, that?s the life of the Demi-Fiend!