Sail the seas with Captain Majima as Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii releases today
Treasure hunt, enjoy arcades, aid the locals, do anything but to assist out of work Yakuza.
Treasure hunt, enjoy arcades, aid the locals, do anything but to assist out of work Yakuza.
Who’d turn down a return trip to a tropical paradise?
You certainly can’t accuse RGG Studios of keeping their fans in the dark.
Samoa Joe vs Goro Majima is going to be quite the match up for early 2025.
The company’s 2024 offerings are no slouch, so reap those discounts right now and enjoy some great experiences.
Only the Mad Dog would think to play musical instruments during a fight.
PC Yakuza fans can round off their collections with deals that can net them up to 70% off.
RGG Studio runs so well that they can release games early rather than delay them.
Looks like Monkey D. Luffy has competition to be King of the Pirates.
Did anyone get us the giveaway from the SDCC panel?
You can tell I didn’t eat lunch before writing this headline.
RGG Studio fans partied like it was Friday Night on the 3rd day of Anime Expo (which was a Saturday…)
If Ono Michio Kun shows up I’m gonna be very upset!
I’m going to be beating back all the ladies when I go out with my LaD x ASSC fit…is that how the kids say it?
This doesn’t exactly net SEGA infinite wealth, but it’s still a lot of money!
I didn’t find infinite wealth, but I found plenty of heart!
Witness the mundane before Ichiban’s next grand adventure.