Three million players can’t be wrong about Final Fantasy XVI?
I’m guessing this won’t be the final Final Fantasy…
I’m guessing this won’t be the final Final Fantasy…
Arc will get my money at one venue…but not the other!
Really hope those adaptive triggers can be turned off.
Limited edition gaming accessories fit for a King.
How nice of them to be on theme with their offerings!
Classic G1 Bumblebee Joins the Robosen line up!
I like how Nintendo has a Bowser and SEGA has an Ivo.
I never knew Pennsylvania had such geographic diversity.
Rediscover the IP Monolith Soft wants to revisit someday this Fall.
Pwnage drops the hammer on poor gaming performance.
Finally silent protagonists that are actually justified! First info/media for XSEED’s new Switch/PC action RPG.
Who’s ready for a Go Go Gadget Reaaaaaaaaaach in the body of this article?
Who’s grabbing those coasters?
Get a peek behind the curtain as Atlus builds its third pillar!
The article and its title is quite the word salad isn’t it?
Devil Tri…I mean Transcendent State comes to Reply Game Studios’ stylish action title!
Someone send some coffee to the Retroware offices…they’ll need it!