Ghost Story Games urges you to “Fix what you broke” in a new trailer for Judas
You’re not my Mom, Ghost Story Games!
You’re not my Mom, Ghost Story Games!
I didn’t realize so much information was packed in such a short video…
I will fight any staff member who tries to take the Stellar Blade review opp from me!
I wonder which member of the staff will be trying to get every cover of this vinyl release.
This could be an S-Class title!
I’m going to use the word “mount” a lot in this one…so brace yourself!
Enjoy paradise one virtual quarter at a time!
Will there be big meaty polygons, slapping meat?
Don’t let an army of androids stand in the way of love in this critically acclaimed Metroidvania!
I didn’t find infinite wealth, but I found plenty of heart!
It’s also free so you won’t even need to buy it for a dollar!
Witness the mundane before Ichiban’s next grand adventure.
I just need more photos of food drawn by George Kamitani!
I mean if you really want to look like Phantom Thieves…I won’t stop you.
The character, not the mechanics. And a whole lot more! Media and details within.
Do it now or risk those ridiculous black market prices!
The gift of vision is precious in both reality and virtual reality!