Explore the land of Mojo in the launch trailer for The Plucky Squire
Hopefully no one got any nasty paper cuts in the creation of this trailer.
Hopefully no one got any nasty paper cuts in the creation of this trailer.
Adventure can be found on both the 2D and 3D plane, soon.
…and it looks really fun in all of them!
Time to do all the work and get none of the glory!
Let this action platformer drill its way into your heart!
They were pretty literal with this latest trailer.
I would’ve included that old idiom “But wait there’s more…” however the trailer already beat me to it!
One shot…every kill! Top that, barcode neck!
Enjoy some free shiny crap!
The Talos Principle II is a sequel that doesn’t disappoint, further refining and improving upon the unique puzzle experience of the first game.
Umbrella + Gun = Lots of blood, dashing, and general mayhem.
I’ve never smiled more at a delay announcement.
The Broforce finally breach the Xbox platform! This is not a drill!
So much gore. So many penis jokes.
Guybrush Threepwood to take his swashbucklling new adventure onto modern console platforms soon.
Who said season events were strictly for MMOs and gacha games? Massive Monster didn?t get that memo.