No Place for Bravery review for Nintendo Switch, PC
Not even some serious slowdown can slow down this quality 2D soulslike.

Google to sunset Stadia in early 2023
I should probably cancel my Stadia Pro subscription?

Darkmess rises in new Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope story trailer
Yes, that’s Darkmess with an “m”.

Games with Gold for October 2022 includes Windbound, Bomber Crew: DE
Microsoft has revealed the next set of titles for the more streamlined Games with Gold program. Details within.

PlayStation Stars loyalty program goes live in North America on October 5th
Sign up and get ready to earn rewards and digital collectibles soon!

A Metroidvania without a doublejump?! Let’s see the Knight Witch pull this off Nov. 29th
A Bullet Hell without free movement would be kinda weird?

Ubisoft’s Skull and Bones gets swept back to March 2023
Every time that Ubisoft’s pirate-themed title seems like it’s locked and loaded for a release it gets bumped back. Details within.

Team Samurai looks to cut through the competition in King of Fighters XV on October 4th
Kyo, Terry and co. will certainly embrace death if they?re not careful around these weapon wielding combatants.

PS Plus games for October: Hot Wheels Unleashed, Injustice 2, Superhot
Heads up PlayStation Plus subscribers, the next set of free games are queued up and ready to go live next month.

Easy Come Easy Golf review for Nintendo Switch
Easy Come Easy Golf, Clap Hanz Golf, Everybody’s Golf — Clap Hanz may give their games unwieldy names, but they always turn out great.

Get a first look at EA and Koei Tecmo’s “AAA Hunting Game” Wild Hearts
Get ready for a brand new monster hunting experience.

PC Guilty Gear Xrd players will get the rollback netcode late October
Fall now apparently means pumpkin spice and rollback netcode.

E3 2023 details revealed
Book those tickets and reserve those hotels for next summer’s in-person gaming event.

Research and Destroy review for Xbox, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, PC
It?s like XCOM meets Ghostbusters in Research and Destroy.