XGIMI Horizon Pro 4K Projector review
XGIMI manages to pack both performance and portability together in the powerful, convenient Horizon Pro 4K.
XGIMI manages to pack both performance and portability together in the powerful, convenient Horizon Pro 4K.
I don?t think the company did anything else more important this week than this.
Not the best job simulator out there, but certainly not the worst, either.
An oft-forgotten spiritual successor to Strider finally makes its way to home consoles.
New gameplay footage, screens, the official theme song and plenty of game details for the next big Final Fantasy title.
Crypt of the NecroDancer, Twilight Zone, Godzilla vs Kong table packs are also available for all platforms.
Completely out of the blue EA and Ascendant Studios have revealed a brand new single-player, first-person magic shooter.
I wonder what his power level is?it has to be near 10 thouuuuuuuusand!
Clash: Artifacts of Chaos brings back the world of Zeno Clash, but forgets to explain why.
With the next big Zelda adventure only a month away, Nintendo drops a fresh new trailer to hype us up even more.
Sherlock and Final Fantasy and Mickey Mouse and Creepers and…well, lots of stuff in this week’s eShop update!
Get ready all you Final Fantasy fans and PlayStation 5 players, Sony and Square Enix are teaming up for a “special look” live event.
Heads up PS Plus subscribers of the higher tier varieties, the next set of Game Catalog releases are almost upon us.
The second part of the Crossbell Duology makes for a satisfying conclusion in another The Legend of Heroes story arc.
The Japanese can embrace Microsoft?s platform?if you purchase them outright!
The Big N throws a shindig in their backyard when the leaves starts changing.