Rooftop Renegade smashes shingles when it releases February 17th, 2023
It’s too much for my acrophobia?can’t they be sidewalk renegades instead?
It’s too much for my acrophobia?can’t they be sidewalk renegades instead?
Could it be Brendan? Perhaps if he?s not focused on Marvel Snap!
If you?re celebrating Black Excellence in gaming?maybe Shaq Fu should be disinvited?just sayin.
They?ve got the flying down?but how delicious will their food look?
I wasn?t not gonna make a dick joke as the headline?I?m only human damn it!
Call me old fashion (or just old), but I prefer the WarGames cage with a ceiling.
Finally a Gal*Gun game I can technically play in public.
Is there a reason why they?re using the logo from 2 games ago?
Don?t go racing chickens until you?ve avenged your murdered benefactor!
Given how often he reps the game you?d think Kenny Omega would get the shoulder tap for this gig.
I?d say it?s more Catlateral Damage than Stray, but I guess the latter is more top of mind.
I also would not be opposed to a prequel game featuring Stan & Mitch either?just saying.
and I thought ninjas only hated pirates?
I wonder who will be the four other cameos?
Those shoulder whiskers?are something.
Please don?t fire the children out of the cannon?again