Temtem leaves early access after 2 years and arrives on PC and consoles
Get dem Temtem now on more platforms than before!
Get dem Temtem now on more platforms than before!
Overly simplistic combat, a weak story, and bland characters/environments make Thymesia a hard sell to most gamers out there.
I?m not gonna lie?I wish I was in Seattle this weekend.
You don?t have to give Za Warudo for an English copy of this JoJo fighter anymore!
The development of Sonic the Hedgehog’s latest and greatest adventure appears to be speeding along rather nicely. Check it out.
The wildly colorful and fun side-scrolling remaster is coming pretty soon and looking good.
Introducing new enemies, new weapons, a new playable cleaner, and more.
Get a look at Koei Tecmo and Team Ninja’s upcoming action-packed “Masocore Thriller” title.
Take over your negligent father’s run-down laundromat and turn it into, well, an Arcade Paradise.
Two Point Campus is definitely worth enrolling in.
See a whole new side of the Borderlands Universe this October.
Gothamites can?t get a break in this post-Batman era.
Dozing off during this production would be a highly unlikely affair.
These F.A.R.Ts don?t stink?but they might break a piece of furniture or two.