Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered sends you back to the underworld on PC, Switch, Xbox and PlayStation
Make sure you have plenty of teeth and strawberries for this trek.
Make sure you have plenty of teeth and strawberries for this trek.
You know I bought my copy long before this news post went up.
You have till Nov. 7th to show Grasshopper Manufacture your Big Bone…prop, what did you think I meant by this?
I’m legally allowed to write the word “Boner” in conjunction with this announcement.
Someone?s been spending that NetEase money well!
Maybe they?ll get down to the mystery if the company still has a stockpile of No Heroes Toilet paper from the game?s launch in 2007.
Suda51 reaches the finale of his Travis Touchdown Saga.
You can download Travis? latest adventure onto your hard drives this October.
Get your hands on the latest and greatest No More Heroes release, including a Day 1 physical edition, a bit later this year.
Travis Touchdown is finally making his way to PlayStation, Xbox and PC platforms later this year.
The No More Heroes dev house figuratively rips off their Gung Ho shirt to reveal a NetEase shirt signaling their new allegiance!
Travis Touchdown?s toughest and possibly final adventure is here.
Stan briefly chats with Grasshopper Manufacture’s Suda51 regarding the upcoming return of Travis Touchdown on the Nintendo Switch.
GungHo and Grasshopper Manufacture’s free-to-play “hack-and-slash survival action” title for the PS4 is apparently a pretty big hit.
A sit down with the man, the myth, the legend, Hideyuki Shin-San
Tyler spends some quality time with GungHo and Grasshopper Manufacture’s awesome hack-and-slash survival action title.