Peacemaker, Janet Cage, Krossplay and Free Trial Weekend coming to Mortal Kombat 1
Guys please…one news item per email…these news blast articles are horrible to write!
Guys please…one news item per email…these news blast articles are horrible to write!
Where are Gillberg, Iron Mike Sharpe or Barry Horowitz, 2K?
The afterglow of a Nintendo Direct makes for a fun week of updates!
The second entry into the planned Final Fantasy VII remake trilogy is finally here, and it’s pretty fantastic.
Later this year can’t come soon enough.
Looks like this Warren Spector developed title will be making a first impression…again.
Get a head start on liberating Fevrith as your save will transfer between the demo and the full game.
VIP tickets to see the best Guilty Gear players to compete are also available!
Must resist pre-ordering everything in this announcement.
So if there’s a season 3 are we seeing GT…right?
That makes 3 mystery games left that will arrive on other platforms.
Does one of last year’s more overlooked games deserve a second chance?
Plus Endless Ocean, World of Goo 2, a shadow drop from the Sonic Mania team, and more!
Can I avoid mentioning Dragon Ba…god damn it!
Make sure everything is spick and span…FOR THE EMPEROR!