Lunistice review for Nintendo Switch, PC
Looking for a retro platformer starring a tanuki that isn?t Super Mario 3? Look no further.
Hogwarts Legacy review for PS5, PC, Xbox Series X
Hogwarts Legacy is magical in more ways than one.
Forspoken review for PS5, PC
You’d think that a game that’s inspired such heated debate could at least be interesting in some way.
Slime’s Journey review for PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, Xbox, PC
Slime?s Journey isn?t even worth $5 and an easy Platinum.
The Forest Quartet review for PlayStation, PC
For a game about grief, The Forest Quartet is surprisingly uplifting.
An Airport for Aliens Currently Run by Dogs review for Nintendo Switch, PC, Xbox
Can you pet the dogs? Can you ever!
GTA Trilogy arrives on Steam, launches soon on Epic
Revisit the landmark trilogy, in all their enhanced(?) glory.
Sail Forth review for Nintendo Switch, PC, Xbox, PlayStation
Yo ho ho and a bottle of fun.
Session: Skate Sim review for PC, Xbox, PlayStation
Kickflip and ollie to your heart?s content.
Aka review for Nintendo Switch, PC
Think of Aka as Animal Crossing, but boring and a little buggy.
Paper Cut Mansion review for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation, Xbox
Paper Cut Mansion looks a whole lot better than it plays.
Windosill review for Nintendo Switch, PC
Is a Flash game from 2009 worth getting on the Switch today?
Jurassic World Aftermath Collection review for Nintendo Switch
Welcome back to Jurassic Park?
ARK: Ultimate Survivor Edition review for Nintendo Switch
ARK arrives on the Switch once again, and this time it?s playable.
Time on Frog Island review for Nintendo Switch, PC, Xbox, PlayStation
Your time on frog island will be filled with nothing but mindless fetch quests.