Dynasty Warriors: Origins review for PC, PS5, Xbox Series X

Platform: PC
Also On: PS5, Xbox Series X
Publisher: Koei Tecmo
Developer: Omega Force
Medium: Digital/Physical
Players: 1
Online: No

A new entry in the Dynasty Warriors series is here, rebooting the classic beloved game franchise. Featuring a new story, new mechanics, and more, I had quite the fun time with Dynasty Warriors: Origins. Koei Tecmo truly has taken the next big step in Warriors gameplay and fun to the next level.

Playing as a protagonist seemingly with amnesia, no memory of who they are or what they can do, they meet up with a group of freelance mercenaries. You’ll quickly befriend them, albeit after some testing. Fans might be familiar with some of the members, especially classic character Guan Yu. Through this meeting, you’re drafted by the volunteer army to help in the suppression of the Yellow-Turban rebellion against the Han dynasty. The story is actually really solid, and it kept me engaged through the whole venture. I played with English voices, so I can’t compare it to the other dubs, but it is very well done and well executed.

Compared to previous games (in the Warriors games in general) with multiple playable characters, you will be playing as a single, unique main protagonist. To remedy the typical playstyle varieties we’re used to, Koei Tecmo has added all the various weapon archetypes for use by your main character. Of course, this means you’ll need to unlock skills and input combos for that character. As you use each weapon and complete sub quests and level up, you’ll gain proficiency for your equipped weapon. By further increasing your proficiency, you’ll unlock more moves to use as well as new unique special abilities for that weapon type. Need a bigger area-of-effect ability for your spear to interrupt some mini-boss enemies’ charge attacks? Don’t worry, just put more time into that weapon or complete some side objectives and you’ll have it in a flash. Progression is rewarding without being overly time consuming, lending itself to an excellent system of trying out each new weapon type as you acquire it to familiarize yourself with the base movesets.

In addition to side quests you’ll periodically pick up from NPCs, you’ll find lots of sporadic encounters littered around the world map to engage in. These are easy ways to gain extra proficiency points, find new weapon types, or just to jump into a quick combat encounter if you don’t have a lot of time to sit down and sink your heels in for a bit. I actually think the overworld aspect is handled well, as it’s not too sprawling or barren. Giving you options for fast travel, opportunities to further acquire skills or weapons, and offer more side quests/opportunities to interact with your comrades works quite well, and adds an interest to wanting to actually seek out these mini encounters and whatnot as you progress and unlock more.

When it comes to excitement and hype, Dynasty Warriors: Origins is incredible. As soon as you load into a mission or a battle and the music kicks in, you know it’s time to lock in. Combined with gorgeous visuals and enemies requiring your attention, Koei really wants to make sure you’re engaged, and it really feels like it. Most of my experience with the Warriors games stems from other IPs, such as Fire Emblem Warriors, Hyrule Warriors, and Persona 5 Strikers, but I have still played games like SAMURAI WARRIORS and a few of the older titles. I truly think if you want a downright fun and exhilarating game that plays into the ultimate power fantasy, you owe it to yourself to play Origins.

Dynasty Warriors: Origins is a complete package of being the ultimate badass, with the impact and combat to really back that up. Combine that with a killer soundtrack and a surprisingly interesting story, and you’ve got a truly excellent action game package. It is worth a warning that some people might find the experience repetitive if you’re not a fan of this style of game, but if you’re a new player seeking an entry point, there really isn’t a better jumping in point than this new entry. If you’re looking for a “nothing but fun” game to start off the new year, look no further than Koei Tecmo and Dynasty Warriors: Origins.

Note: Koei Tecmo provided us with a Dynasty Warriors: Origins code for review purposes.

Score: 9


Price: $69.99

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