Month: January 2021

Nintendo eShop Update – Olija, Colossus Down, Glyph, TOHU
Yet again, a ton of new Switch titles to download… and also Wii U and 3DS games as well.

SNK reveals Team Hero for The King of Fighters XV
SNK today revealed the next trio of fighters confirmed to be coming to the KOF XV roster. Screens/trailers within.

Cyber Shadow review for Xbox One, PS4, Switch, PC
A remarkable throwback to NES-era action games, Cyber Shadow is an absolute blast.

PS Plus members get Destruction AllStars, Control, Concrete Genie free for Feb. 2021
Sony today confirmed quite the super solid February 2021 lineup for PlayStation players who subscribe to PS Plus.

Hitman 3 review for PS5, Xbox Series X, PS4, Xbox One, Switch
Agent 47’s latest trilogy goes out with a bang (and an electrocution, and an explosion, and a well-timed push off the side of a building).

S.U.M. – Slay Uncool Monsters review for Nintendo Switch
As educational games go, this one is pretty awe-SUM.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons carnival-themed Festivale event coming soon
Get ready to start feeling the heat in the next seasonal Animal Crossing: New Horizons update,

Celebrate Liyue’s Lantern Rite in Genshin Impact’s 1.3 update, out Feb. 3rd
A new year brings new rewards for dedicated Genshin Impact players.

Electro Ride: The Neon Racing review for Nintendo Switch
Is this a good racing game? Nyet.

Professor Rubik’s Brain Fitness review for Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One
Professor Rubik’s Brain Fitness is somnolent, soporific, dull, boring, lifeless, and sleepy.

Nintendo eShop Update – Cyber Shadow, Hitman 3, Gradiently, Unspottable
There’s a massive quantity of new downloadable Nintendo Switch titles hitting the ‘shop this week. Check ’em out.

Micetopia review for PS4, Xbox One, Switch
For a Metroidvania, Micetopia is awfully linear.

Balan Wonderworld demo launching on January 28th
The all-new action-platformer from the creators of Sonic the Hedgehog will get a demo very soon.