Red Dead Redemption finally coming to PC
It’s been 14 years, but PC gamers just have to wait three more weeks.
It’s been 14 years, but PC gamers just have to wait three more weeks.
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Get ready for a first look at Rockstar Games’ next highly anticipated Grand Theft Auto project.
Have a look at the laundry list of updates headed to the game alongside the upcoming GTA Online: San Andreas Mercenaries drop.
Once a game ahead of its time, L.A. Noire now feels right at home.
If you’re looking forward to visiting Los Santos on your PS4, Xbox One or PC, you’ll be waiting a few more months.
Grand Theft Auto V is coming, with a scheduled time frame of Spring 2013. This official announcement from developer Rockstar will hopefully lead to more details about this highly anticipated sequel in the coming months.
Slow motion shoot-outs return with Max Payne 3, and with a hell of a visual upgrade to boot. But how does the latest entry stack up to the first two titles from former developer Remedy? Read the full review to find out!