An army of strangers surely cannot advance too far, so today in the latest edition of Commander’s Guidance, Josef and Alain discuss the importance of social interaction! In Unicorn Overlord, rapport is the stat that tracks how familiar members of your unit are with each other. As they engage in battle the value will slowly increase. However outside of battle there are numerous ways to improve the bonds between soldiers. One such is to have a hearty meal at local taverns, where your choice of food as well as participants will affect what type of increase. Another way to advance these connections is to present gifts to those standing guard at liberated settlements, but make sure your gift aligns with the recipient’s taste or it would be all for naught!
High rapport can yield stat boosts in your units and even open up events that will give you further insights to the people you have recruited, making sure that these members of your army are more than just pieces on a board. So as a commander take time to know and appreciate your recruits less you opt to run a band of misfits than a liberating army!
The next lesson Josef will impart to the prince is the means of strengthening and growing your army. It’ll definitely be a class you shouldn’t miss!
Unicorn Overlord will be available on the Switch, Xbox Series X|S and the PlayStation for March 8th, 2024.
Unicorn Overlord — Josef’s Guide to Interaction! | Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X|S, PS5, PS4:
Unicorn Overlord Collector's Edition (Monarch Edition) - PlayStation 5
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