Search Results for : ratalaika

Jet Set Knights review for PS4, Xbox One, Switch
Sadly not a long-awaited medieval sequel to Jet Set Radio.

Two Parsecs from Earth review for PS4, Xbox One, PC
A forgettable Metroidvania with one interesting trick is still forgettable.

Blind Men review for PS4, PS Vita, Xbox One, Switch
Just your typical Cold War visual novel about a young, gay wannabe-supervillain looking for love and world domination.

Birthday of Midnight review for PS4, Xbox One, Switch
An interesting take on golf that offers an easy Platinum.

Guard Duty review for PS4, PS Vita, Xbox One, Switch
Guard Duty is about thirty years too late to get the audience it deserves.

Nicole review for PS4, Xbox One, Switch
Visual novel? Life sim? However you want to play Nicole, it may well put you to sleep.

RogueCube review for PS4, Xbox One, Switch
Imagine if Thomas Was Alone was a shooter with zero personality. That?s basically RogueCube.

Jisei: The First Case HD review for PS4, Xbox One, Switch
A fun — if short — whodunit murder mystery.

Reed 2 review for PS4, PS Vita, Xbox One, Switch
Not so much a sequel as a replica, more or less, of the first game.

Clash Force review for PS4, Xbox One, Switch
Clash Force is fine while it lasts, but it doesn?t last all that long.

Ultra Hat Dimension review for PS4, Nintendo Switch
Ultra Hat Dimension feels like some long-forgotten NES gem.