Clean house or defend it as Bandit Trap launches a Public Beta

If youโ€™ve watched Home Alone youโ€™ve probably had these intrusive thoughts. How you couldโ€™ve fended off burglars with your homemade contraptions or how you wouldnโ€™t have made the mistakes the Wet Bandits did and made out with every valuable in the house. Well it seems developer PICOMY clearly had those thoughts as their newest title Bandit Trap will pit a home security droid against 3 bandits!

Prevent the pilfering of the homeโ€™s 10 valuables as the Trapper by all means necessaryโ€ฆand we mean all means. Flood the house, blow out the walls, expose wiring to give these intruders a shock! Perhaps a life crime is the path you opt for, then team up with 2 other bandits and ransack the house while keeping one step ahead of the Trapperโ€™s defenses.

Bandit Trap is currently recruiting players for their public beta, and those who participate will be rewarded with the crash test dummy cosmetics which will be available when the game releases. Visit the gameโ€™s Steam page to put in your application today!

Bandit Trap โ€“ Story Trailer

Bandit Trap - Story Trailer

Bandit Trap screens: