Pat McAfee Show invades WWE 2K24 as the game’s 3rd DLC pack

I’m gonna clue you in on a secret…perhaps it might even be a shame. I’m a wrestling fan that doesn’t really watch weekly…rather I follow the industry through “the dirtsheets”, social media and a lot of YouTube…and I mean a lot. So I don’t really have a concrete opinion of Pat McAfee, other than the fact the former NFL kicker has outlasted every other outsider turned commentator and he’s become best buds with Michael Cole. So it makes sense that he would eventually find his way into a WWE video game…but who knew 2K would throw a bone to his “DAWGs” as well.

That’s right as part of the Pat McAfee Show Pack (maybe the word “show” gave that away). Pat and some members of his motley crew from his day time sports talk show will be available to be used in the latest annual entry of the WWE 2K game. I’m sure the fanbase reacted totally normally when this pack was announced…and now that the pack has been released they are still taking this well. Maybe 2K should’ve thrown the community a bone and chosen to have Mitt McMahon joining the roster..but I’m sure the McMahon name is a little bit toxic in this day and age. So instead you’ll just have to settle for Pat, AJ Hawk, Darius Butler, producer Ty Schmit and someone named Boston Conner…who I really hope is from the Northeast. The inclusion of these athletes turned broadcasters will also introduce 15 news moves and taunts to the game that you can use with your create-a-characters. So your custom wrestler of a wrestler from the other major wrestling company can finally kick a football as part of their repertoire, WOOOOOOOOOOO!

In addition to these new features, the game’s MyFACTION mode also received an update receiving a new card tier class, Diamond. To celebrate these changes, you can enter the code “PATSMMERGIFT24” to receive some rewards in-game, but act quick as this code expires August 14.

If you’re not complaining that Oba Femi or whomever NXT Roster guy/gal was robbed of a spot on the game’s roster and are actually interested in trying out Pat and the Gang, well I got some good news! The base game (Which doesn’t include this DLC pack) is 50% percent off on the PlayStation Network Store from July 30th to August 14, the Forty Years of WrestleMania Edition (which does include this DLC pack) will get it’s price slashed 40% during the same timeframe. So if you want to throw your hat into the digital ring, now’s the best time if any to do so.

WWE 2K24 is available now on PC, the PlayStation and Xbox platforms.

WWE 2K24 DLC 3 Trailer | 2K

WWE 2K24 DLC 3 Trailer | 2K

WWE 2K24 - PlayStation 5

Price: $15.00

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