This weekend SNK will crown The King of Fighters in Hollywood, California

Every company with a fighting game is hosting their own championship series. SNK, a perennial favorite developer in the genre, will determine their champion this weekend. The SNK World Championship 2023 will be held at AVALON Hollywood in Los Angeles. On March 15th combatants who have not earned a spot can compete in a Last Chance Qualifier. Two winners will complete the 32 competitors who will clash over the course of 2 days (March 16th to the 17th) to determine who is the best player of The King of Fighters XV.

Registration to complete can be done via this link. The Last Chance Qualifier will comprise of 128 players and all those participants will be given a fightstick button featuring 1 of 7 designs. Spectators are also welcome and can register to attend the following link. Once registered make sure you arrive at the venue early as the first 150 spectators on line during both finals day will receive a fightstick button and a poster!

SNK World Championship 2023 can be viewed if you can’t make it to Hollywood, California on SNK’s YouTube channel. The tournament’s website with links to the tourney streams can be found here.

The King of Fighters XV is available now on PC, the PlayStation and Xbox platforms.

The King of Fighters XV - PlayStation 5

Price: $29.42

20 used & new available from $25.36

Purchase on Amazon