Tank! Tank! Tank! review for Wii U
If you’re not looking for a game that shows off much of the Wii U’s unique properties and just want a time killer with some decently fun on-couch multiplayer, then run out and buy this game… after a price drop.
If you’re not looking for a game that shows off much of the Wii U’s unique properties and just want a time killer with some decently fun on-couch multiplayer, then run out and buy this game… after a price drop.
Tank! Tank! Tank! from Namco Bandai Games gets a new Salesman trailer, which makes me wonder if Lemon Laws apply to used tank purchases….
Namco Bandai has released a rather interesting new trailer for TANK! TANK! TANK! for the Wii U today. If you dare, take a look at the Tank Boys show and maybe forget that you did…
Namco Bandai announces two Wii U titles today, including a port of Tekken Tag Tournament 2, and a new party game dubbed Tank! Tank! Tank!. More information in the full press release contained within.