PlayStation Store Update – Star Ocean 5, LEGO Star Wars: TFA, Full Mojo Rampage, more!
A whole bunch of retail and downloadable releases hit the PSN store today, along with more than a few sales.
A whole bunch of retail and downloadable releases hit the PSN store today, along with more than a few sales.
Bowling aficionados, rejoice. No one else should, though.
Hopefully we can get Mariachi Brock as future DLC.
2K this morning dropped off a new trailer which highlights the “Kick-Back” gifts for those who pre-order the game.
Like the Xbox Games Store update for this week, the PlayStation Store is pretty packed with new content.
The dead rise again in this director’s cut, but should they have stayed dead?
Ever wonder what kind of offspring a Bioshock-Metal Gear Solid tryst would produce? Wonder no more.
Charmingly retro or anachronistically outdated?
Sony’s E3 2016 PlayStation presence was a plethora of VR stations and kiosks showing off the latest and greatest VR experiences and PS4 titles.
New E3 media shows off a bit of Infinite Warfare’s outer space gameplay and dramatic set pieces.
It’s happening… The Last Guardian actually has a release date and a gorgeous looking Collector’s Edition. New E3 screens, trailer.
A naked Norman Reedus, a baby, umbilical cords/tethers, dead whales, dog tags with equations, ink? What is Hideo Kojima trying to tell us?
When Capcom claimed they were bringing the fear and survival horror experience back to the Resident Evil franchise, we honestly had no idea what to expect.
Insomniac is working with Marvel and Sony on what is already looking like a super awesome new Spider-man title.