Tag: ps4

Bears Can’t Drift!? review for PS4
Judging from Bears Can’t Drift!?’s many issues, not being able to drift may be the least of bears’ problems.

PS4 Slim NHL 17 bundle launching next week in Canada
It looks like there will be more than one PS4 Slim bundle due to launch next week.

PS4 gets new PS Camera, DualShock 4, Platinum Headset
You want new and improved PlayStation 4 peripherals? You’re getting new and improved PlayStation 4 peripherals.

PlayStation 4 Pro specs, press release, product shots
Check out the official specs, press release and product shots for the new PS4s from Sony.

Sony officially reveals PlayStation 4 Pro, PlayStation 4 slim
Act surprised! Sony today officially revealed both the smaller, cheaper PlayStation 4 “slim” and the super-powered 4K HDR-enabled PlayStation 4 Pro. Updated with details from the PS Meeting.

Strike Vector EX review for PS4
A surprisingly satisfying shooter that mixes air combat dog-fighting with traditional first person shooter games.

Watch the PlayStation Meeting 2016 right here
In case you haven’t yet made plans for following Sony’s PlayStation Meeting today, there are a couple of ways to check out the live event.

PlayStation Store Update – The Tomorrow Children, Dogos, Trails of Cold Steel II
There’s a solid lineup of new digital PlayStation titles available on the PS Store today.

Battleship review for Xbox One
A re-imagining of a classic that tries too hard to be something else.

Day of the Tentacle Remastered review for PS Vita, PS4
Day of the Tentacle makes the jump to modern consoles. Should it have?

Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour hits PS4, Xbox One, PC in October
The King is back, baby! Duke 3D turns 20, so it’s about that time to re-release the classic FPS for the current generation with new content, new modes and more.

The Walking Dead: Season 3 – A New Frontier to debut this November
The third season of Telltale Games’ The Walking Dead episodic game series finally has a title, a release date window and some screens.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare MP beta goes live on Oct. 14th for PS4
To start off this weekend’s exciting Call of Duty XP fan event, Activision made a few important Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare-related announcements.

Batman – The Telltale Series: Episode 2 “Children of Arkham” emerges on Sept. 20th
After beginning their Batman episodic series with a bang, Telltale is finally ready to reveal the release date and details for Episode 2 “Children of Arkham”.