The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles review for Nintendo Switch, PS4, PC
Phoenix Wright, meet Sherlock Holmes…er, “Herlock Sholmes.”
Phoenix Wright, meet Sherlock Holmes…er, “Herlock Sholmes.”
We assume there will be no objections to Capcom bringing new Ace Attorney games to the west.
The DS classics make their way to current-gen systems. Do their ports raise any objections?
Everyone’s favorite videogame defense attorney is back on the case and is officially scheduled to return to the Nintendo 3DS this September. First media and details.
Nintendo delivers a faithful trilogy remaster of what became a flagship for its last handheld. What’s not to want?
We doubt you’ll object to the official release date and these new comparison screens for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy.
OBJECTION! No, wait, I don’t object to this awesome mash-up featuring two of my favorite handheld franchises.
Phoenix Wright shakes off the legal dust in his excellent return to handhelds with Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies for the 3DS.
Capcom today announced that the Nintendo 3DS-bound Phoenix Wright case is set to hit the platform on October 24th as an eShop digital download. New screens too.
Either Nintendo has amnesia, or thinks that we do.
Click through for an update on just about everything you’ve known to be releasing in the near future.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 5 has a confirmed North American release, an official title and a brand new set of media. We also get new game details directly from Capcom. No objections here!