Watch_Dogs Official Info from Live Demo at PlayStation Meeting 2013 (UPDATED: Demo Video)
Think Watch_Dogs is cool? That’s probably because someone hacked this post to tell you it is.
They’re right.
Videogame Previews
Think Watch_Dogs is cool? That’s probably because someone hacked this post to tell you it is.
They’re right.
Could Sony’s event finally mean the announcement of the long-awaited Playstation 4? Well, that’s exactly what it means.
Here’s the official word from SCEA.
Activision and Bungie confirm that Destiny is indeed hitting next-gen platforms, with this PS4 reveal from the Sony Conference.
Square Enix unveils Murdered: Soul Suspect, coming to home consoles and PC in 2014. Want to know more? Well, good luck! But here’s a small trailer to get you started.
With the recap of previous generations of PlayStation hardware now complete, Sony has decided to focus on the evolution of the games that helped define the brand over the years.
Microsoft and Epic Games today blasted over a new Gears of War: Judgment trailer showing off the multiplayer action we can expect from the game when it launches in about a month.
Zen Studios spilled all the Star Wars Pinball beans today including release dates, pricing and a full list of platforms that the anticipated new pinball expansion will be released on.
Irrational Games and 2K Games are sending over BioShock Infinite updates all fast and furious like, and today we get a new gameplay trailer dubbed Lamb of Columbia. Take a look.
With Assassin’s Creed III – The Tyranny of King Washington: The Infamy now available Ubisoft has sent over a reminder (in trailer form) of what we can expect from their alternate version of early American history… and it’s not at all pretty.
As most Wii U owners know by now, Rayman Legends was delayed from its February release date all the way until September to launch alongside the newly announced PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions. Well, there is a silver lining…
Bungie and Activision have finally revealed Destiny, their anticipated new sci-fi FPS project in development for current and future console platforms.
Irrational Games and 2K Games today unveiled part 2 of their PBS style documentary series for BioShock Infinite. Alistar Bloom further explores the mysteries surrounding the floating city of Columbia.
Tecmo Koei and Team Ninja today shared some new details and media for Dead or Alive 5 Plus for the PS Vita, including the, ahem, mature-looking Touch Fight mode.
Mario Golf in any form is always awesome so it’s great that Nintendo has not abandoned the incredibly enjoyable franchise. Take a look at the first batch of screenshots.
The excellent Wii platformer is officially making its way onto the Nintendo 3DS sometime this summer. The game will be enhanced, and in 3D obviously. Take a look at the first screens of the 3D makeover.
As revealed in Nintendo Direct this morning, Mario and Luigi are teaming up once again for a colorful new RPG adventure that takes place in the mind of Luigi. Hopefully what they find is family friendly…
It’s the Year of Luigi indeed. Nintendo this morning announced that Luigi will be getting his own expansion for New Super Mario Bros. U that features new, alternate versions of NSMBU levels.