LEGO Builder’s Journey review for Nintendo Switch
A LEGO game that?s actually about playing with LEGO? How novel.
Beasts of Maravilla Island review for Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PC
Beasts of Maravilla Island may have some similarities to a certain Pok?mon photography game, but it?s got a charm and personality all its own.
GTA Trilogy gets screenshots, trailer and release date
You’ll be able to return to Vice City, Liberty City, and San Andreas very, very soon.
The Colonists review for Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One
Simultaneously very cute and very disturbing.
Phoenix Point: Behemoth Edition review for PS4, Xbox One, PC
A well-made XCOM copy is still a copy.
Nintendo eShop Update – Dying Light, Jackbox Party Pack 8, Smash Bros DLC
Another week, another 40+ new games hitting the eShop.
Horror Tales: The Wine review for Nintendo Switch, PS5, Xbox One
Just what we all need right now: a horror game set during a pandemic.
Instant Sports Paradise review for Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4
Maybe Instant Sports Hellscape was already taken?
The Forgotten City review for PS5/4, Xbox Series X/One, Switch
Groundhog Day, ancient Rome-style.
Barry the Bunny review for PS5/4. Xbox Series X/One, Switch
A retro-tinged gem from a developer that?s quite good at making those.
GTA Trilogy releasing later this fall
The rumors had been getting louder for weeks (if not longer), but today Rockstar confirmed it: the definitive edition of GTA III is being released later this fall. No exact dates, but Rockstar confirmed that Grand Theft Auto III, along with GTA: Vice City and GTA: San Andreas, will be arriving on PlayStation 5, PlayStation…