Demure, but Deadly…Mature and Vice return to The King of Fighters XV on December 12th 2025

Losing the year in its name has definitely given The King of Fighters game an opportunity to be supported for more than just a year. Since its release in 2022, SNK’s premiere team based fighting game has added four teams and six single entry fighters to its voluminous initial roster of thirty nine fighters. Today we learned when the next two fighters will be arriving.

Mature and Vice, who first appeared in the very first King of Fighters title (KoF ’94) and were first playable in King of Fighters 96 return to the King of Fighters XV on December 12th 2024. The trailer released with this news showcases the duo’s moveset along with some interactions between the two as well as Iori Yagami, the man whom the duo latched onto as a conduit for the revival of Orochi.


The 12th also heralds two massive changes for the title, the first is balance adjustment for the game, hopefully SNK will reveal the details of the adjustments as the release date draws near. The second is the announcement of King Of Fighters XV Ultimate Edition. This digital only package will feature the base game as well as all the DLC packs that have been released for the title for the price of $59.99. So with this ultimate edition announced, can we speculate a new entry of the King of Fighters is due soon?

The King of Fighters XV is available now on PC, Xbox Series X|S, PS5 and PS4.



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