Get a peak of what’s coming in Unknown 9: Awakening and its transmedia universe

Namco Bandai is a company you usually equate with anime games and Souls-like, so when it announced Unknown 9: Awakening from their recently acquired Reflector Entertainment, it definitely stood out. Our first entry point to this tale which spans over decades will be the video game that is coming October 18th. The publisher released a new clip giving players what to expect from the title as well as the expanding universe the game will tie into.

Unknown 9 places you into the role of Haroona, a woman with the ability to tap into a mysterious realm known as the Fold. She is portrayed by Anya Chalotra who many might know from her portrayal of Yennefer in Netflix’s The Witcher Series. The game will follow Haroona as she learns to control her abilities and she takes on The Ascendents, a shadowy cabal seeking to chart the course of humanity’s future by their own hands.

Thankfully Haroona won’t go quietly as she is quite adept in combat and she can use her umbric powers, brute force or even stealth to stay one step ahead of the Ascendants. During her journey she can learn additional abilities, discover anomalies which will grant boons to her health and power meter. Combat in-game can be a puzzle, as Haroona has the ability to “step” into people. Will you use this power to make enemies attack each other or will you use it to position foes so that can stealthy removed from the board? You can control how each encounter ends.

For those looking to dive into an expansive universe Unknown 9: Awakening is but one way to enter the Unknown 9 universe. Books, Podcasts, Comic Books and web series will be forthcoming, but the game will likely be the most interactive way to experience this universe.

Unknown 9: Awakening will lift the veil on the Fold on October 18th on PC, the Xbox and PlayStation platform.

Unknown 9: Awakening – Overview Trailer

Unknown 9: Awakening – Overview Trailer

Don’t miss this crash course on Unknown 9: Awakening: get up to speed on the story, watch heroine Haroona in action, glimpse new in-game footage and gameplay, and learn a little more about the game’s larger narrative universe.

Unknown 9: Awakening PS5

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