Show off your game with no cost of entry at the next Six One Indie Showcase

With all the talk about having a trailer shown at a major showcase costing 6 figures for a 60 second clip, it’s refreshing to see some other organizations take a different approach when building the line up for their programming.

The Six One Indie Showcase which will be airing its next instance September 19th is putting out a call for devs to submit their titles to be considered for this next showcase. The showcase has previously highlighted titles such as Helskate, Berserk Boy, Victory Heat Rally and more! Furthermore those selected will not need to pay anything out of pocket to have their title featured.

So if you believe your game is worth being shared with the world, why not visit this link and throw your hat into the ring, but make sure you don’t dawdle as the submission deadline is End of Day on July 1st.

I’m definitely going to catching the next instance of the Six One Indie Showcase as their mantra of “Play More Indies” certainly speaks to me. So game devs, get your submission in and maybe your title will be the next one I obsess over!