Nintendo eyes a retail expansion out West

There’s a certain joy of walking through the doors of Nintendo New York and seeing all your favorite Nintendo products available for you to take home. The former Pokemon Center was the sole 1st party retail store for all things Nintendo and it has hosted plenty of events to celebrate hardware and software launches (In fact there will be a Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door event being held tomorrow.). Nintendo fans have pleaded with the company to recreate this experience locally throughout the US, but the company has yet to heed their requests…until today.

The Seattle-based company revealed today they are finally opening a second retail location in San Francisco, California. The store will be colloquially known as Nintendo San Francisco. Besides the city where it will be located no additional details have been revealed…although if I was a betting man, I would think it would end up in the Union Square or Embarcadero neighborhoods. Although those areas have been affected with rampant theft and plenty of businesses have fled the area.

Regardless of where it will end up, I’m sure the Nintendo faithful will have another place to make a pilgrimage to when the store officially opens in 2025.