Check out the dimension crossing gameplay of The Plucky Squire!

It was love at first sight when I first laid eyes on The Plucky Squire. The classic Zelda-esque gameplay with the ability to cross from the 2D to the 3D plane wowed me to the point where I wonder how this is not a Nintendo internally developed title. Today the game’s developer All Possible Futures via their publisher Devolver Digital released a new clip showing additional gameplay.

Tasked to find a key to open a path forward, our plucky squire Jot exits the storybook which he inhabits and turns the page himself to reach the mines where the key is held. After some exploring he finds himself in a room where the key is situated, but with no means of reaching it…at first. Using a portal to exit the book, Jot can tilt the book to move a minecart with a portal. After cleverly maneuvering the minecart Jot eventually reaches the chest which contains the key to move forward.

The video showcases the game’s distinct, adorable artstyle, clever puzzle mechanics and approachable combat. The game is set for release some time in 2024 on PC, Switch, the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. I frankly cannot wait to stick it to the seriously unchill wizard named Humpgrump!

The Plucky Squire | Sneak Peek: Mine Puzzle Gameplay | Wishlist Now!