Get a look of Krat in better times the Lies of P Holiday Card as the title celebrates a magnanimous first year

As 2023 draws to an end, plenty of publishers & developers have plenty to celebrate and a pair that certainly do is NEOWIZ and Round8 Studio. The duo’s original IP which debuted this year, Lies of P, not only captured the hearts and minds of players, but it has scored plenty of achievements as the games media make their year end lists. In fact the title made it to #6 on our very site’s Best Games of 2023 list.

Among making our list, the game’s 2023 accolades include selling over 1 million units globally, winning game of the year at the Korea Game Awards, being included in the Best of lists of outlets such as NPR, Polygon, Rolling Stone, Vulture, The Washington Post, and a bevy of nominations at various industry awards.

To celebrate these achievements, the game will be offered at 20% off so that more players can enter the world of puppets and plagues. Don’t dawdle too long as these savings are set to end when the respective stores’ winter sales end (Jan 4 for Steam and Jan 17 for PSN). This is in addition to the various free cosmetics release post launch and the soundtrack being made available on various music streaming platforms.

Looking towards 2024, the game will leave its mark as there will be a DLC that will draw players back into the world. Given the base title’s level of polish one can only assume the DLC will receive the same level of care, I certainly cannot wait to return to the world of Krat and perhaps tell a lie or two!

Lies of P is available now on PC, Mac, the PlayStation and Xbox platforms.