Resident Evil 4 – Separate Ways DLC review for PlayStation, Xbox, PC

Platform: PS5
Also On: PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X
Publisher: Capcom
Developer: Capcom
Medium: Digital/Disc
Players: 1
Online: Yes

It was only a matter of time before we were provided with DLC for the Resident Evil 4 Remake, and it came right in time: Halloween. RE4 Remake is a standout in a year of truly remarkable releases across most platforms and genres, and it’s going to be a tough year for Game of the Year selection for sure. If you missed my review of the base game, you can read it here.

Spoiler, I loved it and the Separate Ways DLC is no exception. It’s an add-on that all existing fans have been expecting, and for those who were eagle-eyed while playing the core game, comes as no surprise. Like its predecessors, the latest in the remake series evolves the gameplay mechanics and refreshes the lore. Many fans of the original Resident Evil 4 were not fans of the island portion of the game and in the remake it was revamped which makes revisiting these parts in the DLC much more exciting.

The DLC focuses on the perspective of Ada from the early portions of the game leading to the ending. We see her throughout the main campaign with Leon, but there is always an air of mystery surrounding her. While we may not get every answer to who she is and why she is there, we get to see her relationship with Luis, which is fleshed out well and a clear expansion to the story compared to the original. There is a good amount of combat, unique traversal due to Ada’s grappling hook, and more puzzles.

It’s a solid blend that you can get through in 4-6 hours based on your play style, and the game as always offers unlocks for completing challenges and beating in various difficulties. On top of this are the addition of characters of Ada and Wesker to the Mercenaries Mode and let’s say, Wesker is a BEAST. Playing these remakes truly amps me up to get more updated sequels with the more fleshed-out stories. Now with Resident Evil 4 Remake complete as far as we know, we wait impatiently until the announcement of either a new entry or potential remake of Code Veronica or 5.

The biggest selling point for me with the Separate Ways DLC is how much I wanted a game centered around Ada and her mysterious story. We always get her with background plot points and the story has indeed aged like fine wine, but still so little is known about her.  I feel Resident Evil 6, which I hate to talk about, gave her the most screen time, but I think it’s time. If this remake and the DLC is any indication we are in for a solid remake of the next game or sequel in the series.  I’m looking forward to it regardless as always.

Note: Capcom provided us with a Resident Evil 4 – Separate Ways DLC PlayStation code for review purposes.

Score: 9