Get a taste of the renegade’s life in HAWKED’s Crossplay Open Beta

So the latest Indiana Jones movie might’ve been a let down for some, but the notion of exploring exotic locales and pilfering rare artifacts will never go stale. That’s the premise behind MY.GAMES’ upcoming free to play PvPvE extraction shooter, HAWKED.

You’re a renegade working for the mysterious organization known as GRAIL and they’ve tasked you and other operatives to drop in on the ever changing location dubbed the “X-isle” to retrieve artifacts of immense power…sounds easy enough. Well, you will have to fend off the island’s native inhabitants, solve cryptic puzzles(with your gun…), avoid deadly traps and even fight off other parties looking to take the prize for themselves. If you do manage to succeed, know that you will be handsomely rewarded and your bounty will be able to aid you in future expeditions.

The game’s upcoming Crossplay Beta will finally let console players into the fray. While PC players have had a head start, PlayStation renegades can start playing August 31st and earn rewards on the game’s Renegade Pass, it’s season pass equivalent. While the game is crossplay, progression is still siloed, so PC players don’t switch allegiances just yet! This Beta will last until September 4th, so start plundering Renegades!

HAWKED’s full release date is still unknown at this time, but friendless folk don’t fret a solo mode is on the roadmap, so you can raid the X-isle by yourself in the near future. Until then the Crossplay Beta will be available on PC, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

Crossplay Open Beta Trailer | HAWKED:

Crossplay Open Beta Trailer | HAWKED

HAWKED – Crossplay Open Beta screens:

HAWKED is coming to PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5! Play the free Crossplay Open Beta on PS4, PS5, and PC from August 31–September 4 to unlock your free Renegade Pass. HAWKED is a free online PvPvE extraction shooter coming to Windows PC and consoles. Squad up with pals to explore a mysterious island and battle monsters, solve puzzles, outfox enemies, and escape with ancient treasures!