Tag: xbox one

Destiny: Rise of Iron (final) review for PS4, Xbox One
A solid new expansion for Destiny that should keep dedicated players busy for quite some time. [No longer a work in progress review. Final review score within!]

WWE 2K17 hands on preview
Tyler drops by Dogpatch Studios to check out 2K’s latest and greatest WWE 2K title. Impressions within!

EA releases an explosive new Battlefield 1 single player trailer
Buckle up Battlefield fans, EA and DICE have dropped off a dramatic new Battlefield 1 official single player trailer.

Super Dungeon Bros is set to rock ‘n’ loot on consoles and PC this November
Are you ready to loot?! Wired Productions announced a release date, pricing and new media for their upcoming heavy metal-themed co-op dungeon brawler.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare multiplayer beta kicks off on October 14th
Attention Call of Duty fans… Activision today revealed the multiplayer beta schedule for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.

Watch the Dedsec crew hack things in the new Watch Dogs 2 story trailer
Watch Dogs 2 is less than 2 months away, so Ubisoft has finally graced us with a brand new video of the game.

NBA 2K17 review for Xbox One, PS4
The gold standard for sports games is back. Does it retain its title, or does it rest on its laurels?

Xbox Games Store Update – Firewatch, Lastfight, The Bunker, Virginia
Xbox One owners have a ton of quality digital releases to choose from this week including the award-winning first person drama, Firewatch.

Prepare for this Titanfall 2 Pilots gameplay trailer
Even though the Titanfall series is supposed to be about big, heavily armed battle-mechs, the nimble and more intelligent pilots apparently need some love too.

Destiny: Rise of Iron – Wrath of the Machine raid launches tomorrow, here’s the trailer
You want a new Destiny raid, you’re getting a new raid. Here’s a sneak peek at what to expect from the Wrath of the Machine raid tomorrow.

Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas review for Xbox One, PS4
A well-made puzzle adventure that is more than just a re-skin of a classic.

Bioshock: The Collection review for PS4, Xbox One
Would you kindly pick up this collection?

Sniper Elite 4 gameplay trailer targets the F?hrer
Take headshots at Hitler in the free pre-order DLC for the upcoming latest and greatest Sniper Elite release.

Dungeon Punks review for PS Vita, PS4, Xbox One
Aggressive mediocrity, thy name is Dungeon Punks.