SEGA AGES Thunder Force AC review for Nintendo Switch
This unique case of a console to arcade port is coming back to consoles thanks to the SEGA AGES line for Nintendo Switch.
This unique case of a console to arcade port is coming back to consoles thanks to the SEGA AGES line for Nintendo Switch.
As run-of-the-mill a shmup as you could ever imagine.
85% boring…but man, that other 15% sure is awesome.
A nifty little shoot-em-up for the PS3 that brings a moderate challenge, but ends almost before it begins.
A fantastic Japanese Dreamcast and arcade classic shmup get the HD treatment. Now the rest of the world gets to experience this professional shooter.
You can never have too many shoot-em-ups, so we’re definitely excited to see Rising Star Games announce that the remake of G.Rev’s classic shmup is confirmed for North America. New screens and details.
After being announced as a PlayStation Vita release not all that long ago, today, Grasshopper Manufacture and Digital Reality revealed that the award-winning shmup is also headed to the PS3.
In a somewhat unexpected (but awesome) bit of news, Digital Reality and Grasshopper Manufacture announced that their excellent Xbox Live Arcade shmup, Sine Mora, is coming to the Vita. The diesel punk shoot ’em up will surely look and play extremely well on the powerful portable, and the Vita version will feature some new content as well.
For shootemup fans everywhere, Sine Mora is a must-have. It’s [trendy praise prose] and [Metacritic quote compliment] that fills a modern genre hole that HD ports just don’t seal.
Super Stardust Delta is more or less Super Stardust HD, and if you’re itching to take what is essentially the PS3 game with you, it’s an excellent pickup. Read on for the details.
Sine Mora is officially headed to Xbox Live Arcade on March 21st, and this morning, Digital Reality and Grasshopper Manufacture shot over a brand new trailer to celebrate.
Maybe I’m biased because I love shmups, or maybe I’m biased because I’m a sucker for PixelJunk games, but I think I’m mostly biased for having Q-Games hit all the right notes for me.
Sine Mora, the joint Grasshopper Manufacture and Digital Reality-developed time manipulating, diesel-punk shoot ’em up has been picked up by Microsoft Studios and will officially be an Xbox Live Arcade exclusive. [Update: More screens and a trailer]