Voodoo Chronicles: The First Sign review for PSN, PC
It’s short, it’s ugly, and it?s got some questionable imagery, but Voodoo Chronicles should still scratch any hidden object itch you may have.
It’s short, it’s ugly, and it?s got some questionable imagery, but Voodoo Chronicles should still scratch any hidden object itch you may have.
Yet another content filled PlayStation Store update for this week with more than a few games and sales to check out.
A nifty little shoot-em-up for the PS3 that brings a moderate challenge, but ends almost before it begins.
Hotline Miami is ridiculously hard, brutally violent, and requires meticulous planning every step of the way. It’s also one of the best games of the year.
There’s a certainly a nice variety of PS3 and PS Vita content ready to be downloaded today including a pair of Cross-Buy titles, the PS3 version of Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational and more.
Sega’s second developer video for the the anticipated remastered release of Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse.
The PS3 version of the PS Vita launch title is headed to the PS Store next week for $19.99 and will feature everything the portable version has to offer, including Cross-Play between versions and more.
A number of great additions to the well-received series, but Magic 2014 still seems like just another teaser to get you into the paper game.
Pool Nation is first time in my life I’ve ever played pool in any form and not totally embarrassed myself.
The PS Store Update for this week is live and there’s quite a lot of PS3 and PS Vita content in one form or another available.
Velocity Ultra is a treat to play. It looks great, it sounds great and it plays great. It is, quite simply, just a great game. for the PS Vita.
SCEA today revealed their plans for the PlayStation Store PLAY event for Summer 2013, and like last year, there’s a good selection of games, discounts and bonus credit to look forward to.
Capcom announces launch dates, pricing, a PS3 retail boxed copy and releases a new Duckumentary video.
With all the rumors and leaks flying around, it looks like Sony and Insomniac officially confirmed the next Ratchet & Clank project. Check out the first details and media.
NCAA Football 14 is available as a full PS3 download along with History: Legends of War: Patton and Binary Domain. The PS Vita gets an interesting selection of new releases as well such as Total Recoil and LEGO Legends of Chima: Laval’s Journey . Read on.
Muramasa trades in its console counterpart for a sleeker, more compact platform.
We haven’t heard much about One Piece: Pirates Warriors 2 for the PS3 since about February or so, but Namco Bandai has confirmed that they are still gearing up to launch the sequel on the PSN later this summer.