PvZ Garden Warfare 2 gets free major content update this summer
Trouble in Zombopolis will include a massive new map, a ton of new unlockable customization items, a couple of new characters and gameplay fixes, tweaks and enhancements.
Trouble in Zombopolis will include a massive new map, a ton of new unlockable customization items, a couple of new characters and gameplay fixes, tweaks and enhancements.
As promised, PopCap and EA are definitely still hard at work on the free post-launch updates for Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2. See what’s coming tomorrow. [Update: patch/balance notes]
PopCap’s Plants and Zombies return for more multiplayer madness in EA’s family-friendly 3rd person shooter sequel.
Everyone can get their hands on PopCap’s fun looking Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare next week. Check out the new trailer and details.
Judging by the recent crop of updates, EA and PopCap are definitely trying build a little momentum for next year’s launch of Garden Warfare 2.
The Garden Warfare sequel gets a new and improved Solo Play mode.
Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 is slowly shambling its way to the PS4, Xbox One and the PC and now we finally have a release date.
Check out this new developer diary hosted by Lead Designer Chris Fox, detailing the new classes for the game.
Some fresh new screens, Moon Base Z footage, and details for the crazy new interactive playground/hub.
Check out the first media and game details for PopCap’s fun looking third person shooter sequel.