Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland Plus review for PS Vita
Atelier Totori Plus is one of the deepest, most enjoyable RPGs I’ve played on the Vita, and that’s all there is to it.
Atelier Totori Plus is one of the deepest, most enjoyable RPGs I’ve played on the Vita, and that’s all there is to it.
To go along with the recently released batch of screens, Namco Bandai and Paramount today sent over a new “Making the Game” video for their upcoming Star Trek title for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC.
Naruto: Powerful Shippuden is a surprisingly fun brawler for the 3DS with a humorous take on the standard Naruto Shippuden storyline, bolstered by a Rock Lee side-story.
Naruto and company return with Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 developed by the QTE masters over at CyberConnect2. It’s a return to form for the series after the disappointment that was Generations.
It feels like it’s been a while since we’ve seen much of anything from the upcoming Star Trek game, but Namco Bandai and Paramount sent over some quite nice looking new screens of the upcoming PS3, Xbox 360 and PC title.
And out of nowhere comes a brand new, more strategic and squad-based Armored Core title from FromSoftware and Namco Bandai. First media and details.
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is a beautifully rendered RPG that shows genuine love and care by developer Level-5 and famed animation company Studio Ghibli. It’s not the most innovative gameplay experience in the genre, but it’s definitely worth a look for PS3 owners.
Luffy and crew return with this announcement of One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2, headed to PS3 from Namco Bandai and Tecmo KOEI this summer. Check out the full press release contained within.
Naruto dresses up as Goku in this interesting bit of costume DLC available in all first run copies of Ultimate Ninja Storm 3. Plus, a small breakdown of other pre-order goodies.
Namco Bandai, Capcom, and SEGA team up to bring North American 3DS owners crossover overload with the announcement of a Summer 2013 release date for Project X Zone.
Following up on the official Naruto Powerful Shippuden announcement just a few short days ago, Namco Bandai has today provided us with a solid release date for the super-deformed Nintendo 3DS Naruto Shippuden game.
Namco Bandai this morning announced that the big-headed and super cute Naruto Powerful Shippuden is headed to the Nintendo 3DS in early 2013. First screens and trailer too!
Namco Bandai today sent over the second behind the scenes development video for their gorgeous upcoming PS3 RPG, Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. Take a look!
Another of the more exciting announcements from the Spike TV VGAs was the official world exclusive reveal of Namco Bandai’s Dark Souls II. The hardcore action RPG, in development once again by FromSoftware, was teased with a trailer as you can see after the click.
Namco Bandai today confirmed that a demo for Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch for the PS3 will be going live on the PSN this week in both North America and Europe. Check out the details.
If you’re not looking for a game that shows off much of the Wii U’s unique properties and just want a time killer with some decently fun on-couch multiplayer, then run out and buy this game… after a price drop.
Tank! Tank! Tank! from Namco Bandai Games gets a new Salesman trailer, which makes me wonder if Lemon Laws apply to used tank purchases….