Konami announces digital download dates for Metal Gear Solid HD editions
Xbox 360, PS3 and PS Vita owners will finally be able to download the HD versions of MGS 2, MGS 3 and Peace Walker (PS3, Xbox 360 only) in the very near future.
Xbox 360, PS3 and PS Vita owners will finally be able to download the HD versions of MGS 2, MGS 3 and Peace Walker (PS3, Xbox 360 only) in the very near future.
It’s only been 4 years… but here is the long-awaited Trophy list for Metal Gear Solid 4. Update patch confirmed to be coming within the next couple of weeks.
This game of Frogger isn?t going to win over anyone who isn?t a fan or maybe too young to really ?get it?, but for old fogies like myself, Hyper Arcade Edition is a new and ?ribbeting? challenge that will more than satisfy fans of the series without tainting their memories.
Silent Hill: Book of Memories is slowly shambling towards a Halloween 2012 release date and during the recent Comic-Con Konami sent over a batch of new screens to hopefully keep the horror hype going. Take a look.
It’s almost time for Revengeance! Well, not really “almost”, but we’ll take what we can get. Take a look at this new set of dramatic Comic-Con screens.
To celebrate the start of Comic-Con, Konami today sent over some brand new screens for the Zone of the Enders HD Collection which is headed to the PS3 and Xbox 360 this Fall.
Hey, it’s only been 4 years… but today Konami has officially announced that Metal Gear Solid 4 will indeed be getting PSN Trophy support thanks to a patch and a “new game version” that’s currently in development.
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection makes its way over to the Vita, sans Peace Walker in tow. However, despite missing 1/3rd of the original “collection”, the novelty of having MGS 2 and 3 available on the go is definitely hard to pass up.
Konami today sent over some brand new assets for the Zone of the Enders HD Collection headed to the PS3 and XBox 360 this Fall. As expected, it’s looking awesome, and those who never had a chance to experience the games on the PS2, will finally be able to do so. Check ’em out.
Konami finally unveils Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 with a new CG trailer depicting Gabriel Belmont and, well, you should probably just see for yourself. Looks like a pretty interesting direction to take the reboot of the Castlevania series, here’s hoping for more information soon.
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance gets a new trailer just in time for E3, and man oh man does it look awesome. Putting this title in Platinum Games capable hands might have been the best move Konami could have made, as this trailer looks to prove.
It’s not like it wasn’t easy to infer when in June that Metal Gear Solid HD Collection would probably launch for the PS Vita, but today, Konami made it official. Get ready to Transfar!
Konami today confirmed that Metal Gear Solid HD Collection for the PS Vita will launch some time in June and will make it out in time for Father’s Day and Graduation… but they have yet to pin down an exact date. Check out the new screens while you’re waiting.
A fighting game developed for the fighting game community by the fighting game community that’s an absolute steal at $15.
Konami today stealthily snuck over a selection of new shots of Metal Gear Solid HD Collection for the PS Vita. These updated screens showcase the intense action from both MGS2: Sons of Liberty and MGS3: Snake Eater.
Konami is celebrating the success of their latest in the Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 franchise by re-releasing the game at an even cheaper price beginning… today.
Finally, after countless throwaway remakes of Frogger, we finally get one that counts. Obviously inspired by Pac-Man Championship Edition, Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition looks to up the ante with score based, competitive Frogger action.