Killzone: Shadow Fall – Intercept adds 4 player co-op in June
Team up with a few of your Killzone buddies to outsmart the Helghast next month.
Team up with a few of your Killzone buddies to outsmart the Helghast next month.
Sony today sent over an update regarding Killzone: Shadow Fall sales on the PlayStation 4, and we’re guessing that they are pretty happy with the results.
To best showcase some of the gorgeous pixels the PS4 throws around (in multiplayer no less), Guerrilla Games has released an ultra high quality video showing off the game in action.
And yet another epic official story trailer for an upcoming next-generation FPS has dropped today.
Guerrilla Cambridge comes through with what is surely the best portable FPS title yet and an impressive showpiece for the PS Vita.
Whether you love the series or not, it’s hard to deny that Killzone: Shadow Fall is one hell of an amazing looking PS4 launch title, and that includes the multiplayer. Check out the new trailer and screens.
Guerrilla Cambridge’s original take on the Killzone series is a gorgeous and well thought-out one so far and it really demonstrates how a quality FPS can look and play on the platform.
All 3 Killzone games in one pack including the HD remastered version of the PS3 original. Read on to see if this collection is right for you.
We’re surprised it took this long… but the original Killzone is getting the enhanced HD treatment and being re-released for the PlayStation 3. It’s also being bundled with the rest of the series for only $39.99 and is releasing later in October.
There were several solid PS Vita announcements during Sony’s gamescom conference, and Killzone: Mercenary was one of the highlights for sure. Check it out in action.