You can play the Nintendo E3 demos at these Best Buy locations
There will be over 100 Best Buy locations around North America that will feature playable Wii U and 3DS E3 demos for fans. See if your city is on the list.
There will be over 100 Best Buy locations around North America that will feature playable Wii U and 3DS E3 demos for fans. See if your city is on the list.
Expect a flood of these E3 2013 lineup announcements to begin this week as we move closer and closer to the start of the 2013 E3 Expo.
With the next Xbox set to be revealed in exactly 24 hours from now, Sony has just dropped another timely PlayStation 4 teaser that may or may not hint at the console’s design.
We’re not sure if there was ever really a realistic chance that the E3 would move out of Los Angeles in the near future, but today, it was made official. Whether you like it or not, the E3 is sticking around the City of Angels until 2015.
One of the most visually impressive Wii U titles on display at the E3 just happens to be an expanded and enhanced port of an excellent downloadable PSN, XBLA and PC title. Click through to check out the magic.
Sony’s PlayStation Vita E3 lineup was, well, kind of anemic. We were honestly expecting a few big announcements and whatnot, and they never quite materialized. On the bright side, we did get some new LittleBigPlanet PS Vita screens, a trailer, and plenty of details as you can see.
You can really never have enough mascot-driven kart games. I’m pretty sure it’s a genre that will never completely die… like fighting games. Sony delivered another new look at LittleBigPlanet Karting for the PS3 during the E3, and here’s a selection of new media.
Sega sent over some brand new E3 assets for Aliens: Colonial Marines, their anticipated new Aliens title in development by Gearbox Software. Check them out.
We sorta of heard of most of these titles during Nintendo’s press conference, albeit quickly, so Nintendo wanted to spend a bit more time showing off their 3DS lineup at a more dedicated event. Here are the details.
Are you ready to get even more fit? Nintendo unveiled Wii Fit U at the E3, and for those who need a new interactive way to lose a couple of pounds or just improve your fitness, this may be what you’re looking for. Read on.
As a follow-up to the debut video of Platinum Games’ interesting new Wii U title, Nintendo today released new screens and information for the currently still unofficially titled launch game. Check it out.
Check out a new CG trailer depicting everyone’s new favorite plastic saviors of the video games, the Skylanders. If you want to get on board that early Christmas toy hype train, I imagine this will be the place to start.
Activision shows off the upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 with a new behind the scenes trailer just in time for E3. Check it out behind the cut.
Feast your eyes on the new cinematic trailer for Transformers: Fall of Cybertron releasing this August from High Moon Studios and Activision.
Namco Bandai announces two Wii U titles today, including a port of Tekken Tag Tournament 2, and a new party game dubbed Tank! Tank! Tank!. More information in the full press release contained within.
PlayStation Plus gamers are getting a crap load of free games today… like several real, retail PS3 games and a couple of PSN games as well. There are also trailers and whatnot from the E3 also so grab them too.
Platinum Games has something up their sleeve for the Nintendo Wii U, in the form of the quirky looking original title, Project P-100. Not a lot of info has been revealed as of yet, but check out the reveal trailer from Nintendo inside.