PSA: Diablo III’s Season 2 starts today
Season 2 will bring new achievements, conquests, and legendaries, along with a new set of exclusive armor transmogs for Diablo III’s dedicated player base.
Season 2 will bring new achievements, conquests, and legendaries, along with a new set of exclusive armor transmogs for Diablo III’s dedicated player base.
Square Enix unveils their first trailer for Just Cause 3, dubbed “Firestarter”.
Are you ready to travel back to 1989 to save Gamindustri once again?
Your eShop wallet am cry this week with a healthy selection of new 3DS titles set to hit the service starting today.
Sony’s XDev Studio and Housemarque ain’t done with Resogun… not by long shot. Check out the new game features and upcoming expansion details.
Does the latest Atelier game to grace the Vita try anything new, or is it just same old, same old. Read on to find out!
The beauty of the weekly PlayStation Store update is the usually interesting variety of new content that hits the service like clockwork across all PlayStation platforms. This week is no different.
After announcing and releasing a steady stream of licensed tables for their Zen Pinball platforms, Zen Studios has a couple of original tables set to be released in the near future.
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate brings additional refinements, weapons, and armor to the fantastically addictive Capcom series. Oh, and monsters. There’s plenty of monsters.
Pick up a PS4 along with a pair of quality game releases for under $400.
For better or for worse, the resurrected R.B.I. Baseball series is officially returning for another season.
Rejoice Resident Evil fans, the remaster of the original Resident Evil is flying off the digital shelves.
Volition & Deep Silver bring Kinzie, Shaundi and co.’s last-gen adventure to next-gen systems. Is it worth double-dipping? Read on and find out!
Microsoft has apparently remembered that they have an Xbox One SKU that comes bundled with a Kinect sensor and they are slashing the price by $50 for a couple weeks.
And the big winners at the at the 18th Annual D.I.C.E. Awards are… Dragon Age: Inquisition, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor and Destiny!
Where’s Daryl Dixon when you need him? Run, jump, and climb your way to safety in this zombie action title from developer Techland.
An updated, behind-the-scenes look at MKX including the all new Factions mode.