New #DRIVECLUB video shows off day-to-night time trials
High quality direct-feed PS4 gameplay video that shows off some of the impressive day to night transitions during a time trial race.
Videogame Videos and Trailers
High quality direct-feed PS4 gameplay video that shows off some of the impressive day to night transitions during a time trial race.
Following up on the announcement about a month ago comes a new Pok?mon X and Pok?mon Y update which includes even more mega-evolution details, screens and a trailer.
NIS America dropped off a pair of new gameplay videos and a selection of new screens of their next Disgaea title for the PS3, Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness.
During their Digital Days event, Ubisoft revealed a stunning new side-scrolling adventure/RPG title named Child of Light. First screens, trailer and details.
Done with Star Wars, Zen Studios is not. Check out the new set of tables headed to Star Wars Pinball.
Even though a good portion of Call of Duty players don’t even care about the single player campaign, some of us actually do. SO check out this brand new trailer.
Konami today announced that they have just opened a brand new Kojima Productions game development studio in Los Angeles especially for MGS development.
For those gamers looking forward to Beyond: Two Souls for the PS3, but aren’t quite sure exactly how the game will play, Quantic Dream has announced that a demo will be hitting the PS Store in the near future.
Ahoy! Ubisoft sent over yet another new gameplay video for Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag, their seafaring upcoming Assassin’s Creed title.
EA this morning revealed that female fighters will indeed be making it into their upcoming EA Sports UFC title in development for next generation platforms.
In Nintendo’s Pok?mon-themed Nintendo Direct event this morning, the company announced a few new details for the upcoming release of Pok?mon X and Pok?mon Y.
Fresh details, screenshots and a trailer for Disney Interactive and Harmonix’s magical Xbox One Kinect title.
First screens and a 3rd teaser trailer for the upcoming free-to-play new Ace Combat installment, Ace Combat Infinity.
Today, Square Enix released the first Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII developer diary, which is narrated by Lightning herself, or rather, her voice actor.
Rayman Legends looks and plays like a dream, so there’s no doubt that Ubisoft wants to get as much hype behind next week’s launch as possible.
With no shortage of platforms set to be plundered by Ubisoft’s latest Assassin’s Creed release, the company today sent over a new “Naval Fort” gameplay walkthrough for Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag.
Bungie has been awfully quiet on the Destiny front lately, but today they have thankfully broken their silence in the form of the first video documentary for the game.