Life Is Strange – Episode 1 & 2 review for PS4, Xbox One, PC
Awkward dialogue and slow pace aside, gamers looking for a different type of experience between big budget game releases should consider Dontnod and Square Enix’s new episodic series.
PlayStation 4 Reviews
Awkward dialogue and slow pace aside, gamers looking for a different type of experience between big budget game releases should consider Dontnod and Square Enix’s new episodic series.
Another year, another version of The Show that still can’t figure out how this whole “online” thing works.
Fifteen years after it first came out, is Metal Slug 3 worth playing on the go?
A unique upgrade to Dark Souls II that changes things up a bit more than you might have thought.
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection packs a ton of content onto one disc, but doesn’t handle the technical load as well as you might expect.
One single programmer has created a fantastic game that will punch you right in the nostalgia!
Two brand new tables to the ever expanding Pinball FX2/Zen Pinball 2 collections have arrived and are worthy of a few plays.
Whitehills, Wildlings, and Weddings cap off another solid episode of Telltale’s Game of Thrones series.
Expect the phrase ?You Died? to be permanently burned into your retinas while you have a smile from ear to ear!
Easily one of my most anticipated Final Fantasy titles of the past decade, I just really wish it had a better coat of paint.
OlliOlli is back. Is it better than ever? Read on to find out! (Spoiler: It totally is.)
Curious to see how Capcom’s foray into episodic gaming went? Check out our review of the full Revelations 2 experience behind the cut.
An episode good enough to almost make you forget how long it’s been since the last one.
Battlefield takes to the streets with the launch of Battlefield Hardline. Play cops and robbers with 63 of your closest friends.
A good little game…with a heavy emphasis on both “good” and “little”.
A port that earns the right to use “Definitive” in its title.