Category: Reviews
Videogame Reviews
Puzzle Bobble 3D: Vacation Odyssey review for PSVR, PS4
Puzzle Bobble is back, get ready to pop bubbles in 3D and VR.
The Colonists review for Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One
Simultaneously very cute and very disturbing.
Death Stranding: Director’s Cut review for PS5
One of 2019’s most standout titles finally gets its definitive form.
Phoenix Point: Behemoth Edition review for PS4, Xbox One, PC
A well-made XCOM copy is still a copy.
Back 4 Blood review for Xbox Series X/One, PS5/4, PC
Zombies to the left of me, Zombies to the right, here I am, Back 4 uh wait, I screwed this up.
Horror Tales: The Wine review for Nintendo Switch, PS5, Xbox One
Just what we all need right now: a horror game set during a pandemic.
Instant Sports Paradise review for Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4
Maybe Instant Sports Hellscape was already taken?
The Forgotten City review for PS5/4, Xbox Series X/One, Switch
Groundhog Day, ancient Rome-style.
Barry the Bunny review for PS5/4. Xbox Series X/One, Switch
A retro-tinged gem from a developer that?s quite good at making those.
Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania review for PS5/4, Xbox Series X, Switch
Cast plenty of monkeys into the abyss in this celebratory release!
Gnosia review for Nintendo Switch
Gnosia borrows from some great games, but does enough right that it still stands out on its own.
Sun Wukong VS Robot review for PS5/4, Xbox Series X/One, Switch
The most generic metroidvania ever?