Category: Reviews
Videogame Reviews
Xenoblade Chronicles 3D review for 3DS
Xenoblade Chronicles makes the transition from Wii to the New 3DS in deft fashion, retaining all the elements that make this one of the best RPG’s released this decade.
Life Is Strange – Episode 1 & 2 review for PS4, Xbox One, PC
Awkward dialogue and slow pace aside, gamers looking for a different type of experience between big budget game releases should consider Dontnod and Square Enix’s new episodic series.
MLB 15: The Show review for PS4, PS3, PS Vita
Another year, another version of The Show that still can’t figure out how this whole “online” thing works.
Metal Slug 3 review for PS Vita, PS4, PS3
Fifteen years after it first came out, is Metal Slug 3 worth playing on the go?
Out of the Park Baseball 16 review for PC
The ultimate in nerdy, stats-oriented wish fulfillment.
Etrian Mystery Dungeon review for 3DS
Etrian Mystery Dungeon mixes two unique franchises into one cohesive, and remarkably entertaining, hybrid RPG.
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin review for PS4, Xbox One, PC
A unique upgrade to Dark Souls II that changes things up a bit more than you might have thought.
Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters review for PS Vita, PS3
Who you gonna call? Probably not this game.
Homeworld Remastered Collection review for PC
A remastered classic for PC gamers and RTS fans done right!
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection review for PS4, Xbox One
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection packs a ton of content onto one disc, but doesn’t handle the technical load as well as you might expect.
Axiom Verge review for PS4, PS Vita
One single programmer has created a fantastic game that will punch you right in the nostalgia!
S?ldner-X 2: Final Prototype review for PS Vita
85% boring…but man, that other 15% sure is awesome.
Iron and Steel Pack for Pinball FX2, Zen Pinball 2 review
Two brand new tables to the ever expanding Pinball FX2/Zen Pinball 2 collections have arrived and are worthy of a few plays.
SteelSeries Siberia v3 Gaming Headset review
We go hands on with the Siberia Challenge, featuring the SteelSeries Siberia v3 gaming headset.
Game of Thrones “The Sword in the Darkness” review for Xbox One, PS4, PC
Whitehills, Wildlings, and Weddings cap off another solid episode of Telltale’s Game of Thrones series.